"hello! Sharing world"

Creative commons global summit 2022

the global summit brings together thecommunity of experts, academics, and activists who comprise the Creative Commons affiliate network in a different country everyt two years.
This year, we hope to expand our invitation list including organizations and individuals who want to work with us on shared projects that advance the cause of the commons, free culture and open knowledge.
So if you're active and engaged in the worlds of open content and knowledge -- free software advocates, Wikipedians, Open Knowledge, galleries, libraries, museums, archives, governements and foundations, lawyers, and activists -- we hope you'll consider joining us this year to build a stronger, more vibrant commons together.

Please contact us per email for any further question
about CC global Summit 2015!


See the past CC Global Summits

Take a look at the last two CC global Summits which took place in Buenos Aires and in Warsaw.


CC global Summit 2013 in Aires


CC global Summit 2011 in Warsaw


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